Showit Icon Kit Pack #2


x oregon lane studio

The icons have already been converted into SVGS and imported into Showit as custom icons. To use, just import the canvas into your site and apply your brand colors during import.

add shapes and highlights to your website with these hand crafted custom showit icons for a unique design.

Showit Icon Kit  Pack #2 is hand cut paper which have been turned into custom Showit Icons.

Let's Create some Sections with Icons

This kit Includes 30 hand cut custom icons. Adding these on your website can take your designs to the next level, highlight text, add background shapes to make your design more creative.

Subhead Here

Wafer oat cake jelly-o donut chocolate soufflé dessert bear claw shortbread wafer toffee tiramisu pudding marzipan.

Subhead Here

Pastry candy canes chocolate icing marshmallow lemon wafer toffee drops carrot cake cookie topping bear claw pastry.

Subhead Here

Macaroon muffin tart ginger gingerbread bear claw chocolate bar. Croissant jujubes marzipan cake jelly-o.

Subhead Here

Wafer oat cake jelly-o donut chocolate soufflé dessert bear claw shortbread wafer toffee tiramisu pudding marzipan.

Subhead Here

Pastry candy canes chocolate icing marshmallow wafer toffee shortbread drops carrot cake cookie topping bear claw pastry.

Subhead Here

Macaroon muffin tart gingerbread gingerbread bear claw cheesecake chocolate bar. Pie croissant jujubes marzipan cake jelly-o.

let's connect

Create a Fun Background with Shapes 

This makes an amazing background for a call to action or a quote!

These shapes can also create logos for your website

Save time and money and use a hand crafted shape as your icon for your logo. Get access to the SVG files to load to Canva for brand cohesiveness.

Tiffany Marks

play therapist

Joy Wellness

pilates studio

Farm & Floral

botanical shop



This is especially helpful when you don't have a lot of imagery for your website!

Make the shapes large and transparent for added color.